Don Bosco Arts & Science College (Co-Education)

 “Ad Astra per Aspera” – Through Hardships to the Stars

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Vice Principal

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Rev. Fr. Sagayaraj Kasi SDB

Vice Principal

The True Spirit of Christmas: God With Us

What does Christmas mean to you? For many, it’s a time of vibrant traditions—new clothes, sweet treats, beautifully decorated cribs, attending midnight Mass, and singing carols. While these customs bring delight, they often focus on outward celebration, sometimes overshadowing the profound spiritual essence of Christmas.

A story reminds us of the depth of this season’s meaning. Imagine a king crossing a river with his family. Frustrated with the boatman’s answers, the king grew impatient. Suddenly, the boatman leaped into the river, carrying the king’s child. Overwhelmed with fear, the king plunged into the waters to save his child. Safely ashore, the boatman explained, “I wanted to show you the depth of God’s love. Just as you risked everything to save your child, so too did God, who sent His only Son to save humanity.”
This story mirrors the heart of Christmas, revealing five beautiful truths about the season:

1. God Among Us - The Incarnation

Christmas celebrates the miraculous moment when God took human form as Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary. It is the ultimate expression of divine love, made real and reachable.

2. God With Us - Immanuel

Jesus walked alongside us, experiencing our joys, pains, and hopes. His name, Immanuel – “God with us” – reminds us that we are never alone. He shares in every moment of our lives, bringing hope and comfort.

3. God of Simplicity and Humility

Born in a humble manger, Jesus’ birth teaches us that God’s love transcends wealth and status. In His simplicity, we find a message of inclusion, peace, and hope for all people.

4. God Beyond Barriers

Jesus broke societal norms and boundaries, embracing the outcasts, forgiving sinners, and challenging injustice. His life reveals a God who calls us to love without limits and reflect that love in our relationships.

5. God of Joy

The joy of Christmas is not confined to a day or a gathering; it’s a joy meant to transform our lives. When we share kindness and compassion with others, we reflect Christ’s love and bring His light into the world.
This Christmas, let’s pause to journey inward, reconnecting with the true meaning of the season. Beyond the decorations and celebrations, let us carry hearts full of gratitude and love. By embracing the simplicity, joy, and unity that Jesus represents, we become instruments of His peace in the world.

May the light of Christmas shine brightly in our hearts, guiding us to be messengers of hope, compassion, and joy. Let us celebrate the miracle of God with us and live as reflections of His boundless love.

Rev. Fr. Sagayaraj Kasi SDB

Vice Principal