Don Bosco Arts & Science College (Co-Education)

 “Ad Astra per Aspera” – Through Hardships to the Stars

Current Date and Time
17 September 2024 01:13:00 AM

Campus Minister

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Rev. Fr. Oswalt Devadass, SDB

Campus Minister

“The dreams of today’s youth pave the way for a better tomorrow.” Empowering the Youth for a Sustainable Future is the theme on which I am thrilled to reflect on the vital role each of you plays in shaping the world we live in.
The challenges facing our planet are significant. From climate change and environmental degradation to social inequality and economic disparity, we are at a crossroads where our choices will determine the quality of life for future generations. Yet, amid these challenges, there lies a tremendous opportunity for positive change. And that opportunity rests in your hands.

Youth as Catalysts for Change: You the younger generation, are not just the leaders of tomorrow; you are the innovators, activists, and visionaries of today. Your energy, creativity, and passion are powerful tools that can drive the change we so urgently need. As environmentalist Wangari Maathai once said, “The generation that is coming up has to be inspired to be hopeful, to believe that they can make a difference.” You believe in your power to effect change, for you truly can reshape our world.

Education as a Foundation: One of the most potent ways to prepare yourself for this role is through education. Here at our college, we are committed to providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and address complex sustainability issues. Embrace every learning opportunity, engage deeply with your studies, and seek out ways to apply what you learn in practical, impactful ways. Remember, education is not just about acquiring facts—it is about fostering critical thinking and a sense of responsibility toward our world.

Innovative Solutions and Leadership: Your potential to innovate is boundless. Many of the world’s most significant advancements in sustainability have come from the fresh perspectives and bold ideas of young minds. Whether through entrepreneurial ventures, community projects, or advocacy campaigns, your initiatives can create ripples of change that extend far beyond our campus. I encourage you to pursue your passions, collaborate with peers, and take calculated risks to bring your ideas to life.
Building a Supportive Community: In our collective journey toward a sustainable future, we must support one another. Create spaces where dialogue about sustainability can flourish, and engage with your peers in discussions about the pressing issues we face. Form alliances with local organizations, participate in community service, and seek out mentorship opportunities. The strength of our community will amplify our efforts and enhance the impact we can make together.

A Call to Action: As we move forward, I urge each of you to take action. Small steps, when multiplied, can lead to monumental changes. Whether it’s adopting more sustainable practices in your daily life, advocating for environmental policies, or simply spreading awareness about critical issues, your actions matter. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.”

Rev. Fr. Oswalt Devadass, SDB

Campus Minister